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If you had the power/authority to open source 1 piece of software or hardware, what would it be?

Idea: use "google" as a slur. Just call people "googleoids" or something similar.

The virgin gamer girl bath water vs the chad gamer shark bath pizza.

That's an interesting blast from the past.

If you don't get the reference, jesus fuck are you a zoomer.

I can't get over how stupid and inconsistent people at Google/YouTube can be.
They took the time to make Webp a thing. They promoted it. They made it the default format for YouTube's thumbnails. Even the animated ones. Probably saving a good amount of bandwidth.

But... user's avatars, that are so small that you're definitely not gonna see a quality loss from higher compression, are still being served as jpeg.

Why? No clue. It surely wouldn't take much processing power to transcode them. It wouldn't take effort to change code to display them. I can understand that it wouldn't offer that much gains in freed up bandwidth, but surely someone at YouTube would be autistic enough to be bothered that they're using multiple image formats on the same page for no good reason?

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.