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I put "John Mastodon, CEO of Mastodon" into DALL-E 2 and this is what it spat out.

The second photo is him founding the company in the late 1990s in his college dorm room.


If we ever discover alien life, how long will it take until we try to fuck them?

The right dick in the wrong M&M tube, can make all the difference in a reddit thread.

:avgn: :avgn: :avgn: What were they thinking??
This shit is so vague, sounds like they can ban people for making their character spin in place for too long

@alyx And this is why single player games should be run in a container with no network access. Any questions?

I'm just disappointed that this has escaped notice for so long. This should have garnered widespread attention and revolt, on the levels of Diablo Immoral.
Instead, I found out from a podcast episode, recorded a week ago, from a group of people whose primary focus is men's rights activism.

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Fun fact: you cannot tell your friends how much fun you've had while playing Callisto Protocol.

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Supposedly this actually happened. It was in the Twitter space where a bunch of major journalists have gathered to have a big powwow complaining about losing their control of Twitter. Will post the audio recording if I can find it

The Callisto Protocol, a single player game, has rules of conduct... and it's bad.
How has this escaped my notice for so long?!

This goes into the "I'm not even gonna pirate this" category for me.

I hear people pronounce "ko-fi" as "coffee", but I can't help but pronounce the "fi" like in "wi-fi" or "hi-fi".

Idea for trolls and shitposters:
replace "kill yourself" in your posts with "use the final solution of Canadian healthcare".

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.