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You know what... if you can't even "fix" adult trans people effectively and efficiently, to where they don't kill themselves more than people who were held and tortured in concentration camps, you have no place experimenting with your "fixes" on children.

There is no negotiating on this. There is no compromise to be made. Perfect your treatment on adults, and maybe then we can reopen this discussion.

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Every time I end up in a debate with someone defending any form of gender conversion therapy for children, I end up having less and less sympathy for transgender people overall.

If you want to regain the sympathy of the average person, you really need to pick your advocates better, and to clean your own house.

Maybe I should rephrase that to "do moderate to left-wing Americans still want Canadian healthcare". I already know that right-wingers never wanted it.

I know how Epstein died.

He applied for Canada's assisted dead program.

When life gives you combustible lemons, make deadly neurotoxins.

Life hack 

Whenever a bureaucrat tells you that something cannot be done, leave, and come tomorow to a different bureaucrat.

Half of them don't know what they can do, and half of the rest don't care to help you.

I have been meeting with bureaucrats only a few times in my life, but this was the solution 80 fucking percent of the time.

random FOSS drama that popped in my feed 

Yeah... trying to look into this rabbit hole a bit. Can't say I found what this is actually about, but I learned enough to know:
1) it has something to do with Asahi Linux
2) don't use Asahi Linux.
Pretty clear the core devs are pure code-of-conduct cancer, that get their fee-fees hurt.

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