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random FOSS drama that popped in my feed 

"hostile fork"
What are these people even on about? Have people gone legitimately insane? How the hell is software "hostile"?

And I love the messaging of "don't use the hardware that you bought, because I feel offended by a hostile developer that made a driver for that hardware". Yeah, fuck off.

Also, forking is now "ban evasion" apparently.

Oh, and you shouldn't merge patches that solve actual issues, because it "would legitimize the abusive behaviour".
Lol... "let's cripple our software to own the bigots"....

Pathetic. Give me a good god damn reason why I should jump ship from the infected FOSS hellhole.

Linux can still be frustratingly stupid sometimes 

The whole Mesa proprietary codecs hardware acceleration debacle is such a mess, and it seems Manjaro literally took the most illogical, inconsistent approach out of all distros currently dealing with this.

From my understanding Fedora basically yeeted everything with a patent from a default install, and they decided Mesa hardware video acceleration for h264/h265 should be a part of that. Fair enough, and consistent with yeeting non-free codecs.

Manjaro also decided to disable hardware video acceleration for patented codecs, but it makes no sense, seeing how non-free codecs ARE included in a default install.

I've read through their forums (which honestly I've rarely had to ever do), and it doesn't seem like anyone understands what the Manjaro team is trying to accomplish. You can't exactly claim you're avoiding a lawsuit as long as you're still including software based decoders for the same non-free video formats.
I've seen people ask numerous times, why disable Mesa h264/h265 capabilities, but include other software that accomplish the same thing, i.e. encoding and decoding those patented formats. But no one gave a clear answer.

GG Linux for shooting yourself in the foot again. Please stop acting surprised as to why people prefer Windows.

The cow hooves videos are making a comeback in my YouTube recommended...

One time, just one time, I want to post some shit without someone making a "racial realism" hellthread out of it.

One time, just one time, please. I'm begging you.

there was a dad and his little daughter at the convenience store the other night and he told her she could buy whatever she could carry. watching this little girl try and fit as much stuff as she could in her little arms and then waddling around picking up things she was dropping and her dad just following behind her was the cutest thing ever xD

then her dad goes "can you hold any more or are you done?" and she grunts "no... i'm done" as she's trying to balance everything. man i couldn't stop smiling xD

i can't wait to be a dad. every shit filled diaper in the world is worth it for moments like that.

the rage comic guys have visible and intentional design choices and variety both in style, pose, position, and character.

the soyjack shit is the marvel cinematic universe of memes

Latest Vivaldi update broke h264 hardware accelerated video decoding on Linux for me. Vp9 still works though. I have no idea how that can happen.

Or maybe AIs are simple not ideologically cucked enough to deny statistical reality.

Most people in positions of leadership are men.
Most child caregivers are women.
Men are stronger.
The individuals with the highest IQ are men.
Women earn less money.
Men earn more money.

Literally the only one I have an issue with is the cooking one, since we all know the top tier 5 star chefs are also men, not women.

What I can't tell though is if it's just a standard page pin of, or if they actually did something to display a bit different than if I pin an instance to the browser.

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Remember that integrated Mastodon client Vivaldi promised to put in their browser? Turns out it's only for

I've been playing with a little self-hosted FOSS video-game streaming service: Sunshine.

Tested it via Moonlight on Android, and it works pretty well. You could give it a try if you're into this sort of thing, and you'd like to stream non-steam games to your phone, so you can play in bed or something. I don't really know how people use game streaming tbh.

You can also just use it as a remote desktop thing probably.

For half a decade:
>"What, Twitter isn't censoring conservatives, don't be silly..."
>"What, we're not trying to groom children with drag queens & transsexuals".

I rest my case.

I feel sorry for the average, mostly politically neutral, LGBT person that got mixed into this thing, but if you're not gonna clean your own house of the communist social engineering advocates and the scum of the Earth that attach themselves to your community as allies or members, then we're gonna have to do it ourselves.

First time I saw "cookies" referring to a browser thing, I thought to myself: "Maybe it's pronounced differently. It's a computer thing, so surely these are not cookie cookies."

"Cache" was another word I found weird, cause I didn't encounter it anywhere before seeing it as a computer term, so I had clue how it was pronounced. I ended up saying it "cachae" for the longest time.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.