Contrary to popular opinion, I'm not dead. Sorry to disappoint.

Where was I? I decided to do an experiment. For the past year, I have used a different account, on another instance, under a different name. There I had a policy of not following anyone unless they followed me first, and following back anyone that followed me, no matter what. I wanted to see what's the worst that can happen, how toxic Fedi can become. I wanted to see Fedi unfiltered. I guess y'all didn't disappoint.

Some of you, I've stumbled upon again. Some I got the pleasure or displeasure of following again (because you followed me first). Some of you I barely got to talk to, and some not at all.

The experience started decent enough, the first half of the year was ok, but later on, the experience became unpleasant enough that I started opening Fedi rarer and used it less. In a way, that is a positive in itself, but there are better ways to quit social media. Turns out, if you just follow everybody on Fedi, your timeline has the potential of becoming useless trash very fast.

If you're curious about my alt identity, I'm sure you can find it. There are enough clues out there and I'm not planning on deleting that account or erasing any of my posts. But I will not name the account myself, and don't expect a confirmation from me if you confront me with it. Personally, I'm amazed no one made the connection already.

What will I do going forward? I don't really plan on coming back here, nor on continuing with my alt identity either. I might be here for a day or two, but I'm moving on. Where? Who knows. I'm not planning on telling anyone anyway.

I've met interesting people on Fedi, and I don't expect to forget them anytime soon. But, I don't see much usefulness in Fedi anymore. It was an exciting platform because I met people with views different (mostly more extreme) than what I've seen before. But this has grown stale. And since I prefer anonymity and fading away in a crowd, let's say that too many people for my tastes, on either account/identity, have come to know me.

So I'm gonna start from scratch somewhere else. I haven't even decided where yet, so don't ask.

I laughed with some of you, and I fought with others. I bear no ill will to anyone. I've seen plenty of you burdened with too much hate, so I hope you guys find enough happiness in your lives, so that you forget about hating. I hope all of you get to be happy.

Thank you Igel, @Awoo and BigCums for introducing me to this world. I shall continue to awoo, drool over Asian waifus, and make big cums for as long as I live.

Goodbye for now. Have a good 2024!

Your friendly neighborhood, Half-Life loving Hinata waifu, signing out.


Downgrade your AMD GPU driver.

AMD 6800 and 6900 GPUs are literally splitting in half... here's what we know..

It pains me to say this, but DO NOT buy an AMD card right now.

I was Wrong - AMD is in BIG Trouble

How a PSU With Too LOW Voltage Can Kill Your Electronics Devices! HOW A Buck Converter Works!

I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may kiss the faaaaa...

I'll say it, if no one else does:
one thing I guarantee Andrew Tate is guilty of is having the stereotypical face of a complete douchebag.

Dear transwomen,

You may dress like a woman, you may look like a woman, you may feel and behave like a women, but you biologically cannot have a period, and pretending you can is insulting to 50% of the human population that goes through it every month and it's insulting to the intelligence of the other 50% of humans who don't.


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I'm not one to say every such individual is insane, but there are definitely some trans individuals who belong locked up in an insane asylum for out of touch with reality they are.

The REVOLTING New Woke Trend

>We're definitely not loosing all our men in this war

Russia offers free sperm freezing to soldiers sent to Ukraine

Makes me think...
That sounds so wrong...

I cannot keep this to myself. There is a website ( where you can listen to radio stations all over the world for free. No log in. No email address. Nothing.

When the site loads, you are looking at the globe. Slide the little white circle over the green dots (each green dot is a radio station) until you find one you like.

I have been listening to this station in the Netherlands and it absolutely slaps. I have no idea what they're saying but the music is fantastic.

I know it's been 2 years, but I still can't believe Americans voted for a man that refused to acknowledge people's racial identity and lived experience, unless they consented to have their lives placed under his rule.
He made it clear that he would deny the existence of an entire racial group, unless they succumbed to his will, and people still voted for him...

What the fuck is wrong with you, America?!

Also, you're not a fag because you're trans or a lesbian, or whatever you think you are.

You're a fag because you added 20 hashtags to your post.

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Introductory posts are such a weird thing I see the average Mastodon user do. If there's something important about you worth mentioning, put it in bio.

Otherwise, cut the self-masturbatory narcissistic self-praise.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.