Follow @LukeAlmighty @furgar Fascism values the individual and encourages him in individual efficiency, at the same time holding that his interests as an individual must be in consonance with those of the community

Having power gives you the power to get more power. Power centralises up to a point. Whether it's a nation or a corporation

Libertarianism bases itself on a fake idea of liberty, that you're for some reason freer paying debt to a landlord than to a lord; and that consumption and money is the way to fulfilment

It has nothing to do with intentions or interests. There are just laws that always exist, like the invisible hand; but it completely fails when it comes to culture and the things that actually make people happy

Capitalism can give you TVs and cheeseburgers, but you need something else to make you happy, culture, nation, race, something corporations have NO benefit in preserving

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