@noyoushutthefuckupdad @applejack despite hating dark souls, i did kind of like bloodborne (not enough to play it that much though), and elden ring actually looks a lot more interesting. i probably won't ever play it but i get the feeling i'd like it more than the other fromsoft souls games.

@applejack @noyoushutthefuckupdad best soundtrack and best story are kino.

i also hate don't starve quite a bit lol.

out of curiosity, why do you like portal 2 more than portal 1? not saying it's the wrong opinion or anything lol i just like the first game better so i'm interested to hear why you like the second one more. i guess portal 2 does have co-op which is pretty fun.

@beardalaxy @noyoushutthefuckupdad Longer, going "out of bounds" was really fun, bigger story arcs, funnier quips, more lore, more characters, bigger and more complex puzzles, Co-Op, level editor, workshop puzzles, creepier atmosphere, more detailed environment and better graphics, especially the lighting, light grids, gels, the ending, everything

It honestly feels like Portal 1 was just a tech demo for Portal 2.. Not downplaying how good Portal 1 was, but Portal 2 was amazingly good

@applejack @noyoushutthefuckupdad I don't know why, because it should be better on paper, but I just enjoyed the first one more. I kind of felt like there was a little bit more freedom. There were a couple times in portal 2 I was met with invisible walls when I tried to do something unconventional.

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