Bill Gates: "Sadly the virus itself particularly the variant called Omicron is a type of vaccine"

@MechaSilvio @TheIronHeart i think everything gates has done after leaving microsoft and his wife started cheating on him has merely been him frantically trying to be seen as not retarded. ive seen some of the things hes wasted money on even outside of the gay "humanitarian" stuff, hes a soulless husk with no imagination
@MachineMadeDog @MechaSilvio @TheIronHeart He's evil. His dad was on the original board of Planned Parenthood and he's best friends with Marina Abramovic and had her feature in a microsoft commercial that first aired good friday 2020. He legitimately wants to be the antichrist.

@AR-15 if I were to write a villain like Gates in a novel my editor would tell me to be a bit more fucking subtle, AND YET. @TheIronHeart @MachineMadeDog @MechaSilvio

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