New leak about the new D&D Beyond "upgrades."

This is pretty bad. $30/month to play D&D with a virtual character sheet is just not worth it.


What's even worse about this price point is that one D&D book costs $30, and you get to keep it. That's for a physical book. A digital PDF only costs $20, and on D&D Beyond you can even buy separate items from the books to use digitally if that's all you care about. Instead, they are switching to this subscription-based model where if you haven't ALSO purchased the book, in addition to paying $30/month, tough shit.

On top of that, restricting homebrew use, even private creations, to only people who pay $30/month is completely ridiculous. I will literally not be able to afford to use this service when it gets released and if I still have a campaign going, I'm going to have to port it all over to pen and paper and just pirate the books that have the digital content I use, as well as printing off the slew of homebrew items I have created. Super shitty stuff.

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