
It's finally finished! Months of waiting for parts to arrive, paint to dry, and microplastics being inhaled has brought me the legendary Gawr Guitar!
Based off of Gawr Gura's colors :)

There are a few mistakes here and there because I'm not an artist or a craftsman by any means, but I still had a fun time putting it together and I really like the final result!

@Kyou i don't have twitter so unless someone else posted it there she probably won't haha. that's okay though!

@beardalaxy How is it using a Wii guitar with a PC? Is it an easy process? I think they were pretty affordable in the past and it might be fun to get one just for such a project, although I have no idea how to even go about it.

@okabe_rintarou yeah super easy, Wiimote connects over Bluetooth and a program called WiitarThing converts it into an Xbox controller for the game to read. It's EZPZ. Wiitars are one of the best ones to use, too, and are even better if you get a raphnet adapter for them to be plugged in via USB with no Wiimote.

@beardalaxy Jokes aside, will you post a video of you playing it once it’s fully finished?

@maksim it is fully finished. i don't actually have a webcam right now and haven't felt in the streaming/recording mood for a while so it's kinda more trouble than its worth.

this is a 4 year old video of me playing through the fire and the flames though. measure your expectations because i'm not like god tier or anything but i think i'm alright:

i've gotten better since then but yeah just don't wanna record anything lol.

here's my scorespy profile if you're curious:

@beardalaxy oh god what is wrong with me, I thought that was a real guitar and not a thing for Guitar Hero lmao. Good play anyways

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