
@JohnGritt god being three individual beings never made sense to me. granted, i was raised mormon so that could have something to do with it. the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost being three distinct things with different roles makes more sense to me. There are plenty more examples of Them being separate beings elsewhere in the bible as well. Who was Jesus praying to in the Garden of Gethsemane? Who was He pleading with on the cross? His Father. God. Why would He pray to and plead with Himself....?

but i've brought this kind of stuff up to the people at my work that go to church and they look baffled that i'd even suggest such a thing, or that anyone believes it.

religion is mainly some guy telling a bunch of people how he interprets the bible and then asking them for money so he can keep doing it. not a lot of people really think about it that much.

@beardalaxy Exactly right you are about religion being the original social media grift.

I grew up in an quasi-irreligious home. My dad said and did nothing. My mum was a New Agey explorer for a spell.

So the big takeaway there is that I grew up with no exposure to churchianity save one funeral mass that I attended during high school.

Today, through experience I am a firm believer in God and His Son Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ.

No man brought me to this belief. I talked with no one about it, learned from no one about it.
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