@Mamako @josh yeah, let me guess the loli stuff? he is such a cry baby now. he blocked me too
@CentaurBreeder @josh I think he didn’t appreciate learning that the places that ban the thing he doesn’t like are guilty of doing the worse thing 400% more.
@Mamako @CentaurBreeder @josh sure is crazy how that works, isn't it? Also Josh himself is reportedly a member of the 400%, he was said to have kept /hebe/ alive and been one of the main posters there. Really makes one think.

@Saber @Mamako @CentaurBreeder @josh I think the only good thing that fucking boomer intelligence agent (Jim Watkins) ever did was ban /hebe/ from fullchan.

Josh was helping to keep it alive?

@Saber @Mamako @josh @lichelordgodfrey people often hate people the most who they see themselves in. this is a gay nerdy comparison. but its like Tywin Lannister and Tyrion Lannister from "A song of ice and fire" how Tywin hates his midget son tyrion because his son shares the same sins. they both rely on and fuck whores. both are brutal and unforgiving. Both are same minded.

people dont want to see there inner demons in others. everyone or at least myself is guilty of this. its why the world is filled with hypocrites. we all sin. many of us sin the same.

josh is interesting he berates people for being shotacon/lolicons when he himself liked shotas. he claims to hate pedophiles when he was involved with suspicious things on /hebe/. our dear kiwi overlord and an interesting man.

I hope he will confront his inner demons and will cast them out. to whatever they may be. so all in all I wish josh well. but his current path is not a good one. but like all people he can change course

@CentaurBreeder @Saber @Mamako @josh eh, most people who hate pedos aren’t pedos themselves. that’s not enough.

@lichelordgodfrey @CentaurBreeder @Saber @josh Have you not been paying attention to all the most virulent anti loli people all getting caught grooming real kids?

@Mamako @CentaurBreeder @josh @lichelordgodfrey @Saber bruh this happens like fucking clockwork. Not saying that's Josh, fuck I barely even know who he is. Based on my observations though it tends to happen a lot where loli haters (or even just anime haters) that sperg about it are actually pretty sus :sus:

That's why when someone says they are fine with loli existing, even if they don't like it, I know they're a real nigga with an actual brain.

A guy I know irl really hated loli because he felt violent urges when he played violent video games, but he's since grown out of that and no longer is so butt hurt about lolis. I think it often comes from a place of insecurity. People think that because they would feel like acting out on a real child if they viewed loli (or in his case, likening it to wanting to hurt someone when playing violent games), that other people will too. Even if subconsciously.

Alternatively, it comes from societal pressure, which makes sense coming from Twitter retards but is really ironic coming from people who shouldn't (and usually don't) give a single fuck what the rest of society thinks about them because they don't like the rest of society. Turns out humans typically aren't very resistant to peer pressure, who would have guessed?

@beardalaxy @Mamako @CentaurBreeder @josh @lichelordgodfrey @Saber Anytime anyone anywhere (mainly twitter) gets in trouble it's a meme you see

If you saw everytime someone charged with CP had loli or every manga/doujin author caught with CP the tune would be different

@applejack @Mamako @CentaurBreeder @josh @lichelordgodfrey @Saber the morbidly funny part comes from people trying to act like moral arbiters when they've got skeletons in their closet and are continuously chucking more in there. Throwing stones from glass houses, as it were.

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