@why @Rasterman @beardalaxy @coolboymew 4chan used to love Nintendo Directs because it meant no more relying on game journos. What happened?
@mrsaturday @Rasterman @beardalaxy @coolboymew iwata directs had soul, nintendo had to sell that soul for switch sales figures
@why @mrsaturday @Rasterman @beardalaxy I miss Iwata

But even without Iwata the directs are 100% better than the crap Microsoft and Sony shits out
@coolboymew @Rasterman @beardalaxy @mrsaturday directs are exactly how microsoft and sony do their conferences, the latest xbox direct dropped a full ass game which has always been a nintendo move
@coolboymew @Rasterman @beardalaxy @mrsaturday so do nintendo directs
>heres a 5 year late indie port
>heres a warriors spinoff
>heres some EA trash
>heres a port of a 360 game
>new game added to NES Online: Scrunt
>Arms DLC
>AAA game (cloud version) ($60)
>and one final thing
>black screen
>musical cues
>metroid prime 4 has been delayed another 3 years
>that's all!!!
Here we go
*Iwata is promoted*
NDS - Gimmick machine that was only popular because Game Boy lineage and ultra-cheap
Wii - Gimmick machine, spurned core audience to become a fad
Wii U - Gimmick machine, worst clusterfuck since the 16/32-bit shovelconsole age. Casuals predictably didn't even have enough brand loyalty to discern it wasn't an expensive accessory. Sold less than the Xbox Series, which is an absolute bomba and released during a worldwide supply chain collapse.
3DS - Gimmick machine with a bunch of high-profile disasters, sold less than half of NDS (no Game Boy bump to save it)
*Iwata dies*
Switch - Form factor people have been asking for since before the Wii was revealed. Just a good game system. On its way to becoming best-selling console AND handheld of all time.

@Rasterman @beardalaxy @mangeurdenuage @mrsaturday @why
Not at all! Every decision Nintendo made between the SNES and Switch was a disaster, held up entirely by Miyamoto games and Smash. This is evidenced by PlayStation’s domination of gaming for a long time (before fucking it up in their own right).

@Rasterman @beardalaxy @mangeurdenuage @mrsaturday @why
@Nudhul @natsock @Rasterman @beardalaxy @mangeurdenuage @mrsaturday @why yeah, the sold sold a fuckload but also got snubbed by a lot of devs. It was right during the AAA train so a lot of western devs didn't even attempt to try to release something on it
@Nudhul @Rasterman @beardalaxy @mangeurdenuage @mrsaturday @natsock @why And then you had Capcom "endless tests" (which are still going on, TODAY) where they release some fucking spinoff and go "Uhh, this is a test to see if it sells", they all sold magnificently and we got rewarded with MORE TESTS
@Nudhul @Rasterman @beardalaxy @mangeurdenuage @mrsaturday @natsock @why Anyways, the tl;dr is that the Yamauchi bad decisions, one of them steamed from the Sony Snes CD break up and not wanting to pay Sony for fucking CDs, lead to them getting fucked especially hard during the N64

The rest of it however is really fucking weird dev mentality that stated and plague during the Iwata presidency. The reality is that Sony also fucked devs hard, for example, SoA blocked a SHITLOAD of games. Apparently we would have gotten a PS2 Sakura Wars game early??? but it was blocked??? We didn't get the Megaman Legends collection on PSP because SoA has a "port should have x% of new content" policy, meanwhile Nintendo had a "publish whatever the fuck" policy during the Wii that devs didn't really take advantage of. And then you had weird shit during the Wii U like EA porting Mass Effect 3, a continuing storyline game to a console that had none of the other, at full price, which the other consoles got 1 to 3 collection at a discount. I have heard EA went around during the Developper's Conference going about how shit don't sell on the Wii U. And then you had Ubisoft having an ENTIRE FUCKING SUMMER to themselves for the Rayman game.... to delay it, and release all versions... At the same time as GTA5

Fast forward to more recently with the Sony dropping the Vita hard, PS5 looking sad and can't be bought and Switch selling a truckload, again, but it took time for devs to jump in (again). We got the odd small port devs actually trying to release stuff. Doom, Witcher 3, etc... And Wow, surprise, these games actually sell?!?!

And etc, etc, etc. It looks like a lot of devs, on the japanese side, got stockholmed syndrome'd for the lazy fact that "Shit sold on Playstation, and Ps1 and Ps2 sold a boatload" and that's about it
> And then you had weird shit during the Wii U like EA porting Mass Effect 3, a continuing storyline game to a console that had none of the other, at full price, which the other consoles got 1 to 3 collection at a discount.

That was because porting ME1 was some weird process in itself as well. The PS3 port only happened because another dev approached it and said "we can make it happen".

I'm sure they didn't want to spend tons of money on an unproven console, on the other hand Most Wanted U was a good port from what I recall and BO2 Wii U aside from framerate issues was 1:1.
@pawlicker @Rasterman @beardalaxy @natsock @Nudhul @mangeurdenuage @mrsaturday @why yeah but the decision happened while Mass Effect 3 Wii U port was being made, so EA went and fucked their own game
I'm also not shocked.

The other thing during the Wii U era that everyone doesn't mention is the CPU was a literal dog. I mean, developers hated programming for it because it was simply weaker than that of the 360 for sure, while the PS3 CPU was a clusterfuck but at that point devs knew all these tricks to get more out of the CPU. The 360 CPU was SMT tri-core, the PS3 CPU was single core SMT with the PPE/SPE architecture, and both were 64 bit.

The Wii U CPU on the other hand was a 32 bit 750 core with some weird SMP extension applied to it, no SMT, and at that point devs were abusing weird 360 tricks like HDD caching and streaming data from the disc and HDD at once.

@mangeurdenuage @rasterman @pawlicker @natsock @coolboymew @mrsaturday @Nudhul @why i can't remember what game it was, but there was a multi platform game that actually was best played on the wii u for some reason lol.

A few games used the dual screen mode well, but eventually Nintendo began to realize the truth is most people used screen #2 for something else entirely; gaming anywhere in the house. Furthermore; it was not uncommon for diehard Wii U evangelists to bring their Wii U on the go and a Kotaku writer in 2013 wrote an article lamenting the fact that Nintendo Marketing was so sorely missing the fact that Off-TV play was the most popular feature among owners.
@pawlicker @Rasterman @beardalaxy @natsock @Nudhul @mangeurdenuage @mrsaturday @why the marketing from that era truly was abysmal. The GBA/GC era and Wii era all had golden marketing and it fell off a cliff when Reggie went from Marketing to NoA president I believe
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