It took 6 months but it happened, the feds created a :map_flag: model and released it on /hdg/ and /sdg/
The model was apparently trained on an (((UKRAINIAN))) :map_flag: agency's "material". Wow, the (((hohols))) are pedophiles, color me surprised :eyeroll:

Maybe it's an entrapment scheme but it's far more likely that they're gonna use this as a pretense to ban locally hosted/open source/non-corporate Stable Diffusion and maybe AI in general.
@Xeraser I'm sure their efforts at banning civilian AI models will be as successful as they have banned drugs and alcohol, and how successfully they have stopped copyright infringement.

:pirate_flag: :gnu_jihad:
@teknomunk @Xeraser
This one might have some teeth though, since "but think of the children!!!" still has a bit of kick these days. Also, they can come down on "CP distribution" way harder than they can on things like copyright, or even drugs. :akko_weary:
@Giganova8 @Xeraser I suspect they will pass a bunch of laws because of this, and will probably even send a bunch of people to jail, but otherwise will have massive issues with enforcement.
@teknomunk @Xeraser
Will probably just use it as an excuse to purge undesirables, just like every other law on the books. :akko_weary:
Only if it gets high profile enough, like Twitter finds out about it. If Twitter finds out about it, the journoscum will the next day or have stories on Monday and that's when the panic really sets in.
@PhenomX6 @teknomunk @Xeraser
If this was posted by feds, I'm surprised the articles aren't out already. Usually they already have them written up and ready to go before the gayop is even executed. :akko_weary:
It's either entrapment (which takes a while) or an actual pedo spreading his collection somehow.

Which isn't uncommon with pedos. There's some stories I'd rather not repeat about that, but considering the shit pedoscum do I wouldn't be shocked one but. The "assigned male" artist as an example was caught referencing real kid photos for fetish art as an example.
@PhenomX6 @Giganova8 @teknomunk @Xeraser Considering fake content is legal federally and in various states its constitutionally questionable my guess is it wasn't the feds. It's just someone who has played with AI who is ban testing a server.

On we have this one guy who's been ban trolling with multiple accounts. To me that makes much more sense than the feds.

@x0x7 @teknomunk @PhenomX6 @Xeraser @Giganova8 the problem is that the AI was trained on stuff that WASN'T fake and would be considered against the law. it stands to reason that derivatives of that would be illegal too; at the very least the first derivative would be. that has happened with loli artwork before, where people were using CP as refs and got bopped. it's happened with erotica too.

@beardalaxy @x0x7 @teknomunk @Xeraser @Giganova8 or even just referencing irl pics gets people who usually don't care to assume you're a pedo, moreso when your art has pedo overtones.

Look at the whole assigned male scandal for an example.
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