My Top 100 Bands.

Not including solo artists, but including duos. Not a definitive list as most of these have the chance of shooting up to #1 for a week while I binge all of their music. This is generally where all of them lie, though!

The background is my favorite albums from the top 25.

@beardalaxy >My Top 100 Bands.

Impressive. You must really like music. I couldn’t even name a few bands I like from memory, simply because I genuinely aren’t an avid music listener. I could possibly list my favorite 100 movies, but even then it would be stressful to properly order them.


@okabe_rintarou I used a site to help out with the process and just pulled a good chunk of bands from my music library. But yes I do love music xD it becomes my job in the spring-summer so that's cool x)

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