@heavens_feel They succeeded at their mission - destroying video game culture.
@redneonglow I know, and that sucks. I hope that efforts to rid the gaming culre of their stench and rebuild are successful.
@heavens_feel It won't happen. The ESG feminazis are fully integrated into the industry.
@heavens_feel @redneonglow Whatever parallel industry we try to build, the infection will spread from the diseased industry into your new venture. Gaming needs to be purged before we can even consider supporting new games. We're better off with a video game crash, one that is far worse, more extensive and longer than the '83 one. After that you might have a chance at rebuilding.
@scarlet @redneonglow We also need game devs and reps to just tell twittards "this game is not for you" when they complain about attractive characters, panty shots/fanservice, fun gameplay without woke lectures in the story, games that aren't live service, games that use simpler graphics without raytracing, etc.

There are already plenty of games for the wokies. We weeb gamers need more games for _us_.

@heavens_feel @redneonglow @scarlet I'm not making a weeb game but I fully intend to take this stance if I get wokies shitting on my game for any reason whatsoever

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