
@Moto_Chagatai this story is so insane, one of those moments where reality is stranger than fiction.

this guy was an absolute unit of a man apparently. He gave her that doll as a wedding gift, took her out of school because he didn't want teachers beating her, and they had like 9 children or something. He owned land or something that affected the border of sneedville, which now looks like a dude dabbing.

Both sides of the family and the majority of the neighborhood were cool with it, and even protected them when the media hounds were pestering then 24/7, even throughout the night when they had to stay at his parent's house for fear that someone would hurt them. Pretty wild.

It's also crazy to think that people did this for the entirety of human history and only around just before this story happening it became wrong to do. Teachers beating children was fine even until like the 80s though apparently xD

Well, teachers still beat children, just not physically :S

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