
@MoeBritannica i love how it's the official voice actress for daphne complaining about it, as if some random dude would have enough money to commission her in the first place or something.

personally, i won't use AI voice acting or art for any actual products. only for novelty purposes really.

but it is funny, if this dude is using AI for voice acting and no voice actors want to work for him, well that's just a loss on their part because he can just continue using the AI lol.

@beardalaxy @MoeBritannica
(How dare you make do with what you have) it's not like any of them would have given my dude the time of day lmao
@McMongoose @beardalaxy @MoeBritannica it's the same as piracy. if it wouldn't have happened due to lack of money then no one lost anything

but also even if there's money on the line trying to put the genie back in the bottle will inevitably end up as shitty protectionism
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