@locagainstwall @rlier23 @ChristiJunior

I hope they make a figure of my girl Corrin because I have a sneaking suspicion that Smashtards especially would get mad over that because of their stupid mentality of hating on her.

@Echigo @rlier23 @ChristiJunior @locagainstwall she's already censored in western smash bros as it is which is fucking lame, but it seems like her uncensor mod is a really popular one actually. it was made for smash 4 originally and met with praise, and iirc was among the first mods for ultimate when it was possible.

if people got mad at a figure for her it would be because they hate that she's a high tier.

@beardalaxy @rlier23 @ChristiJunior @locagainstwall

Over time and in Ultimate Corrin has gotten less hate thrown at them, primarily because more hated characters came out, but the still say Corrin is a bland character and is the reason for too much FE which is not true to both.

@Echigo @rlier23 @ChristiJunior @locagainstwall i honestly don't know shit about fe but corrin has been more or less my main since she was released in smash 4. put in solid work with her especially back when she was slept on.

@beardalaxy @rlier23 @ChristiJunior @locagainstwall

Yeah, out of all the DLC characters released in the series, Corrin is one of the least bullshit ones to have been released. The only dumb thing they’ve ever had was their counter being really strong but they quickly nerfed it. Now in Ultimate it’s just a mid counter that gets beat out by its counter part that is Mii Swordfighter’s.

@Echigo @rlier23 @ChristiJunior @locagainstwall there's an overhaul mod called HDR that changes her counter into an actual move with superarmor, good change lol

@beardalaxy @rlier23 @ChristiJunior @locagainstwall

I as someone who does main Corrin, she is a really good character in Smash, but I feel that most of the parts that make her unique (the dragon parts) aren’t well represented in the game, in particular the moves that use her full dragon form.
@beardalaxy @ChristiJunior @locagainstwall @rlier23

Also part of what makes Corrin good and likely why Leo picked her up is because she is does well against a good number of top tier characters. Corrin and Pythra I’d say are actually pretty even with each other as they can exploit each other’s weaknesses.
@Echigo @rlier23 @locagainstwall @beardalaxy I'll never forgive the Smash Pros for insisting that a character with a huge and obvious weakness is braindead and by far the most overpowered, unfair character in the game, just because they're fags who didn't like Xenoblade 2 (like Nairo and Marss).

Pyra/Mythra didn't Carry a single player, even Cosmos used to be a top 10 player during late Smash 4/Early Ultimate, Pyra/Mythra simply helped him get back to the level he *should* be at. Meanwhile, where the fuck was that Acola guy prior to Steve?

The reason they complain so much more about Pyra/Mythra than about someone like Joker is literally that they're a bunch of homosexuals, or at least spiritual faggots.

@ChristiJunior @rlier23 @locagainstwall @Echigo a lot of people seem to look at whoever the top players are using and say they are top tier. Rosalina was long believed to be mid tier but Dabuz almost took the biggest ult tournament using her just barely. I think the cast of ultimate is incredibly well balanced for the most part, it's just a matter of who has easier combos + the player using them. Some Steves were already within the top few players in their region. It's not like I could learn Steve and not go 0-2 at a local lol.

Melee is a little different because it has established several eras of really good players playing the same characters, but it's still always being changed up with new players coming into the scene, old players picking up new characters for fun and boosting their perceptive tier level, etc. If that can happen in a game with like 20 characters you can bet your ass that a game with 90 is going to have really good characters buried completely just because the best players don't use them.

@beardalaxy @ChristiJunior @rlier23 @locagainstwall

Yep indeed. Some characters like Bowser Jr. And Duck Hunt don’t get a lot of traction but they are slowly rising up.

@Echigo @rlier23 @ChristiJunior @locagainstwall I remember when everyone thought mega man was sm4sh trash and then kameme started styling on everyone

@beardalaxy @rlier23 @ChristiJunior @locagainstwall

A lot of recognition comes down to how stylish the character looks in play. It’s why Falcon is consistently used by a lot of people.
@beardalaxy @Echigo @rlier23 @locagainstwall I also remember everyone thinking that big Nerf killed him, and then he started winning Majors again.
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