Yeah…..the US gove will totally haha…..pffff ban pornography

@WashedOutGundamPilot @SpurgAnon I understand why this would be a funny thought but they would 100% ban hentai just so their human trafficking business gets the whole pie

@ehhh @WashedOutGundamPilot @Kyonko802 @SpurgAnon they're probably talking about photorealistic AI images. where it's becoming harder and harder to tell if something is actually real or not.

@ehhh @WashedOutGundamPilot @Kyonko802 @SpurgAnon sorry but to me it still sounds like they are mainly focused on the issue of AI generating stuff that looks like CSAM of children, *not* lolis. the line about being able to generate children whether or not they actually exist isn't in reference to whether or not they are drawn, but whether the child physically exists in the real world and is being deepfaked or the generated child doesn't exist and but is being pulled from a bunch of reference images of children that do exist.

it would be like feeding a stable diffusion model a bunch of CP and a bunch of photos of your neighbor's kid, then using AI to generate CP of that kid, VS just generating things that look like they could be real children but actually aren't.

i don't think this has anything to do with loli. i think the term "realistic animations" that they use is not related to loli whatsoever because A) loli isn't realistic and B) someone saying "animations" doesn't automatically mean they are referring to anime. it could be animated deepfakes they're talking about. they never mention anything about drawings, or cartoons, it's all talking about existing CP being made into models to then make AI generated CP.

i don't think it even mentions the word "art" anywhere

> sorry but to me it still sounds like they are mainly focused on the issue of AI generating stuff that looks like CSAM of children, *not* lolis. the line about being able to generate children whether or not they actually exist isn't in reference to whether or not they are drawn, but whether the child physically exists in the real world and is being deepfaked or the generated child doesn't exist and but is being pulled from a bunch of reference images of children that do exist.

That's all well and good, but this is coming from the same people who ignore elite pedo prostitution rings involving their leaders. They don't give a shit about CP, much less actual child rape. That's just their excuse to try to restrict a branch of technology they're very afraid of and very much want to control.

@Eiregoat @WashedOutGundamPilot @ehhh @Kyonko802 @SpurgAnon no shit the government is evil, i'm just making the point that this isn't some way they're going to censor loli or something, they're very specifically going after photorealistic AI generated CP. which is fair, considering the ethics of generating that are extremely dubious at best.

nichegamer here has blown a gasket over something that doesn't concern lolicons at all, and i'm willing to bet a good amount of people are just looking at the headline and assuming the worst. or perhaps even reading the article and not fully grasping or not reading the legal stuff, so they just look at what nichegamer is saying which is that it will be targeting AI ART and not just realistic AI CP, because there are real children involved in the making of it. it's bad journalism, and it rubs me the wrong way because it makes it seem like lolicons are all coming to the defense of AI CP.

the tweet, alongside using a loli character as a clickbait image (and gura of all characters, who isn't just some manga character but someone with an actual real-life person behind her), insinuates that they want to ban AI art of lolis, but that's just not the case at all. they're going after something that actually has real-life implications. it feels grimy to me.

@Eiregoat @WashedOutGundamPilot @ehhh @Kyonko802 @SpurgAnon and you can cry slippery slope all you want, but you do still have to draw the line somewhere. with real porn we draw the line at using actual children, and i think drawing that line at photorealistic AI generations is fine too.

It isn't about where the line is drawn but who gets to draw it. Ceding the least trustworthy people on earth that kind of power is downright dangerous. They already have too much.

@Eiregoat @WashedOutGundamPilot @ehhh @Kyonko802 @SpurgAnon so what you're saying is that since the people who make and enforce laws don't obey them, the laws shouldn't exist? that's a really fuckin weird take if that's what you're going for, especially when it comes to borderline child porn.

I'm saying that they'll enforce the laws only as much as they have to to justify holding on to power. Then they'll mostly use that power to continue destroying us.

This is no different from the patriot act, net neutrality or any other federal powergrab.
@beardalaxy @Eiregoat @WashedOutGundamPilot @ehhh @SpurgAnon no he's saying we should kill the people who don't follow their own laws before we give the system more power than it needs. I said it earlier in the thread but they WILL go after anime shit. It is not a matter of if, but of when. They want their pornographers to have complete control of the market.

@Kyonko802 @Eiregoat @WashedOutGundamPilot @ehhh @SpurgAnon well WHEN that happens i will oppose it. child pornography and trafficking is illegal and the people who have power break those laws constantly, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't have those laws just because the people who enforce them are fucked up, or just because we think that it'll one day trickle down to anime being banned or something.

niggas arguing that AI CP shouldn't be illegal and thinking it has *anything* to do with loli is just really fucking weird, i'll leave it at that.

@beardalaxy @Eiregoat @WashedOutGundamPilot @ehhh @SpurgAnon I think we should get rid of it too retard

You see this nendo? Amazon just banned it for child exploitation.

You are a fucking fool if you think this shit is about actually getting rid of cp.
@Kyonko802 @beardalaxy @Eiregoat @WashedOutGundamPilot @SpurgAnon @ehhh remember Australia banned deathsmiles because their government thinks it's CP (not a joke)
@PurpCat @beardalaxy @WashedOutGundamPilot @Kyonko802 @SpurgAnon You know what's funny? Antis finding the most niche stuff that even a kodocon like me have never even heard of. Literally didn't know what that is until now.
@ehhh @beardalaxy @WashedOutGundamPilot @Kyonko802 @SpurgAnon

Tl;dr it's a bullet hell that was big in the arcades a while back (back when those games kept coming out) for a year or so to the point it got a sequel.

Oh yeah if you look at what other games Australia banned many of the recent ones are cunny related but said country is a lot more lax about ultraviolence now. Really makes you think.

@PurpCat @beardalaxy @WashedOutGundamPilot @Kyonko802 @SpurgAnon

LMAAAAA that is crazy dude

Games 1(b): The computer game is classified RC in accordance with the National Classification Code, Computer Games Table, 1. (b) as computer games that “describe or depict in a way that is likely to cause offence to a reasonable adult, a person who is, or appears to be, a child under 18 (whether the person is engaged in sexual activity or not).“


@PurpCat @beardalaxy @WashedOutGundamPilot @Kyonko802 @SpurgAnon yeah, they're such sore losers lmao! I have a mutual who is Australian tho I dunno if he plans on staying there his whole life, the country just seems wayy too authoritarian.
I never said there shouldn't be laws against CP or child trafficking though, I said the feds shouldn't be involved because they'll only use that power to rape kids and attack White communities.

Any attempt by feds to create new laws and agencies should be first and foremost interpreted with an assumption that they will be primarily misused for other purposes. Children and terrorism are only ever an excuse.
@Eiregoat @beardalaxy @WashedOutGundamPilot @SpurgAnon @ehhh I like to call this the common sense gun control trap.

The government posits something that no one would disagree with, and then use it for oppressing innocent people while not actually doing anything about the problem they supposedly seek to solve
it's just a pretense to create a precedent saying that the government can regulate "AI" output. not interested in making it the government's business to snoop into what people make with AI software no matter what moral panic you try to bring up, sorry!
Just look at Britain, where kodocon is outlawed. But in reality, the country and especially the capital of London, is an all-you-can-r4pe buffet for migrants.

@beardalaxy @WashedOutGundamPilot @Kyonko802 @SpurgAnon
@beardalaxy @Kyonko802 @WashedOutGundamPilot @SpurgAnon I agree that loli shouldn't be conflated with somethng as disturbing as real cp but that's not the world we live in. 😩
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