Israeli settlers and colonizers been asked to LEAVE for 50 years and they fucked around and found out 💀

@teratology i've been seeing a lot of memes did something happen

@icedquinn @teratology hamas finally had enough and blew through the iron dome, war is now ongoing and some islamic countries have already backed them up

@beardalaxy @teratology so is the usa sending free billions to israel now too

@icedquinn @teratology 4.5b unfortunately yeah, but still not a penny for the people here who are struggling. i can't get disability checks because i make more than $900/month but an illegitimate state that has been fucking their neighbors over for years can get billions of dollars because they're "our greatest ally."

if there was ever any doubt the US government doesn't give a shit about its citizens, let alone the random ass illegals that live here, well the past couple years have definitely shown that.

@beardalaxy @teratology we should deport congress

they can serve their preferred countries as citizens of those nations. but statists for any other state, are not welcome to stay.

@beardalaxy @icedquinn from a young age I was confused about the pride that Americans feel about their country. How can you feel pride in a country that facilitates this exploitation?

My european friends say they wouldn’t live in America because it’s basically a third world country lmao

@teratology @beardalaxy we are proud of the america that used to and was supposed to exist :blobcatpensive2:

if you read the greybeard texts they predicted a lot of this and tried to pre-empt it, "a republic--if you can keep it." and we didn't.
I once saw someone describe the US as something along the lines of "50 third world countries tied together with a military budget big enough to fight God" and I haven't ever heard a more apt description of it

I feel like people have pride in the country because they either are happily complicit in the atrocities, or simply just don't know about it because of how much effort the government puts into making sure that people don't find out about what they do
@usernameswift @teratology
> we will know our job is complete when everything the average american knows is wrong (the CIA)

@usernameswift @icedquinn I have a different view than the ideological myth instilled into most children. The pledge at school always felt cult like to me, and I knew most kids didn’t understand what I meant. I grew up with the pressure of having to assimilate as a first generation daughter of immigrants. When I talk to my relatives they rave about all the sacrifices our parents made to give us better lives, but all I could ever think of was what a lie and sham the american dream is. I feel bad when I hear immigrant stories knowing that it was all for nothing deep down.

People from where my parents are from had to flee because of wars and genocides orchestrated by the CIA. It would be funny if it wasn’t factually true or morbid to think about, and family friends who remember fighting as child guerillas. Things haven’t changed much, but the people don’t forget. America has no place or moral authority for all the things they do overseas and to their own citizens. I’ve never been proud of being American, I never felt that I belonged and I constantly mourn for the displacement of my people. I am constantly educating and reminding people that I exist and that we are still here. My own boyfriend was surprised that Maya are still around.

@teratology @icedquinn @usernameswift I’m well aware of the CIA coups in South and Central America, as well as elsewhere, although I could use a review of that history. So I agree America has caused more harm than good with its international policies and means of achieving them, either covert or diplomatic and economic strong-arming.

Regardless, what do you think about the idea that immigrants leaving their war-torn, destitute countries to live in wealthy ones are abandoning their responsibility to improve their home countries? Is that too idealistic? Still, those countries are only getting worse, not better, and their working age and talented citizens are being drained by emigration.

@Economic_Hitman @icedquinn @usernameswift

I could use a review of that history.

There are entire books written on the topic, I’m just more well versed on the things that happened in my country.

what do you think about the idea that immigrants leaving their war-torn, destitute countries to live in wealthy ones are abandoning their responsibility to improve their home countries? Is that too idealistic?

It’s a bit misinformed imo. I can’t speak for Mexico or South Americans but the Central American economy is literally supported by diaspora in the U.S or Canada sending money back home. I don’t think it would be considered abandoning your country if you’re forced to flee under threat of murder or starvation.

@teratology @usernameswift @Economic_Hitman :blobcatlaydown: for what little it's worth I used to ask why we dont just go shoot the cartels and leave considering we would benefit from our immediate neighbors security

but then I'm not a billionaire elite with no landed ties so rip

@lain @icedquinn @beardalaxy I don’t think they want to because it’s always some ghetto shit happening like mass shootings or some government scandal. You also need to take into account that most of the west actually offers free or affordable healthcare at this point and most Europeans aren’t willing to part with it to live in a country that can’t get clean drinking water in some cities.

My friend got Ecoli from the water here. I’m not in Mexico lol

@teratology @beardalaxy @lain mass shootings are a meme. the amount of people killed in mass shootings across the nation of 300m is about 2,000 a year on average.

Canada killed more people deliberately through its national suicide program.

@icedquinn @lain @teratology every country has its downsides, but it's crazy to see that we could make it better and just don't because politicians are gay

@teratology @icedquinn america definitely isn't a third world country, but there are places that ACT like a third world country.

i have said for a while now that i'd be cool with free health care and that sort of thing as long as it was done in an equitable way and we weren't spending an exorbitant amount of money on getting involved with everyone else's business. i think that would be a good compromise.

i just want the US to focus on the safety and futures of our children instead of whatever the fuck is going on anywhere else in the world, and i think every country ought to do the same.

@teratology @icedquinn @beardalaxy That happened in Grand Island, NE. What was more shocking than anything was how eager the locals in Nebraska were to defend it and compare it to washing their dad's car as a kid. Plains states then decided to relax child labor laws, but not truancy laws, making it clear this was meant for children of meatpackers and the kids that coyotes use to make it look like their clients have families. It made me hate where I was from and the people in it.
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