Stop texting first and see how many dead plants have you been watering.
@SuperSnekFriend I'm honestly tired of it. I just want people to text first sometimes and reply to my shit on time.

@MK2boogaloo @SuperSnekFriend same bro, i started to give up after a while with my d&d group because i was the only one that was trying to get everyone together and nobody would ever respond. so we haven't played in like 7 or 8 months and probably won't ever again.

I've been waiting 6 months for my friend to finally start up his pathfinder campaign :sad_cat:
@MK2boogaloo @SuperSnekFriend

@Groomschild @Awoo @MK2boogaloo @SuperSnekFriend the group all my players left to go play in (long story) has 9-12 people depending on the day. fucking insane. i could only DM for 6 tops. like half of them are brand new players too.

@Awoo @MK2boogaloo @Groomschild @SuperSnekFriend yeah, first time DM too. apparently though he just does whatever to make it fun and like, lives and breathes d&d. dude spent like $2,000 on a 3d printer for it before he ever even started the campaign. all the characters are super OP with their own special traits and stuff, like there is one character with 4 arms and one with a robot arm that has enhanced capabilities. sounds whack to me. there's just no way to balance that or have intricate character moments man i'd get bored so fast.


@Awoo @MK2boogaloo @Groomschild @SuperSnekFriend i think the expectation is super manageable, if you have a smaller group of players where everyone can actually have at least something interesting happen to them or because of them and have it be natural during the course of a single session. if you're trying to do that with 9 players though like, good luck man. i can only imagine the amount of personality clashing going on there with people who aren't as forward getting shunted to basically just a combat role and nothing else.

from what i know, the game is run in a way that players can drop in and out with little changing in the current quest, so yeah i'm assuming it's not very anchored. meanwhile the game that i ran fell apart because ONE DUDE didn't want to play anymore and the rest of them didn't want to play without him in that campaign >_>

@beardalaxy @Awoo @MK2boogaloo @Groomschild @SuperSnekFriend I once had a DM of a D&D 2e campaign that somehow managed to wrangle six players, with three characters each (that we had played over 3 separaate campaigns over the past years), and mash 18 PCs into one gigantic final battle against an evil god of his campaign. the guy was a master DM and I still send local people to him on occassion.

one of my characters was a female human psionicist, and another player remarked that ee thought of my character as looking like Dr. Girlfriend from Venture Bros because of my gravelly-ass voice. good times!
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