
I don't really believe in New Year's Resolutions but it's close enough to make one and implement it now I guess. I'm going to try my best to refrain from political posting in the future. The most you'll see from me are shitposts. I'm going to pin this to hold myself to it as well!

At the end of the day, if I know anything it's that I know nothing. Posting anything about my politics here is of little value beyond a few likes and boosts.

I'm not going to go into politics and I don't really want that to be my legacy. I want to make games that everyone can truly enjoy, that don't have any agendas, hidden or otherwise. I'd rather not be a highly controversial figure on that front. Essentially it's the equivalent of "I just want to grill." I want to be known more for the stuff I make instead of whatever weird political flavor anyone wants to pin on me, or that I inadvertently pin on myself.

A lot of this stuff also gets me pretty on edge and I misplace a lot of passion where I shouldn't. My mood disorder doesn't help with that either. At my core I'm honestly not a very hateful guy but I can get fired up and sometimes I say things I either don't mean or things that can get misconstrued (especially over the internet). I think the best way to improve for myself is to just refrain. Abstinence is best, or whatever.

I wanna' talk about games and game dev, music, that sort of shit instead. Part of why I've been thinking about this is just thinking back to the old internet before politics was really cared about at all and nobody even mentioned it because the internet was supposed to be an escape from real life, not something that would stress your real life out more. You go to a family reunion and hear your parents talk about political shit and you want to just go back to the net to talk to people about RuneScape and Zelda, you know? Back when the worst thing someone could do online was like, be annoying.

So yeah, anyway, no more politics for me. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year xD

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