@coolboymew Didn't they recently lay off workers from the Xbox division? If they quit then I will be both elated and devastated knowing a bad platform is leaving for an even worse one to monopolise it. Nintendo is its own thing.
@coolboymew Posted about it after I replied. I got a survey about physical and virtual mediums last week. Makes sense now.
@coolboymew I'm convinced the news will be the end of physical media. What I would like to see is a return to what they originally proposed before the Xbox One launch, where digital games would be treated more like physical media.
@thatbrickster that might happen, to soften the blow, but again, digital only on consoles is a big no for me, I'm gonna go full pirate if that happens unless there's a rigorous digital ownership thing going on with ownership rights in law

If anything, the "positives" they'll be showing us are policy trojan horse to fuck you over later
@coolboymew The One S got a model with no disc drive, the Series S launched without one. They are the most popular Xbox models in use right now.

Wait until the MS Store shuts down and watch people cry about how they thought they owned something when they merely had access rights to content.
@thatbrickster I already argued with a bunch of retards telling me "it's not happening" because it haven't happened yet, except that Sony and Nintendo are pretty much waiting as long as they can to totally shut down the service so people don't complain about it and they don't have the lawmakers on their back. That's 100% what's happening
@coolboymew @thatbrickster Hope Nintendo survives, Sony and Microsoft don’t really deserve to survive. The best possible outcome of this is that some new consoles end up coming out (Japanese made) and displace the shitty American companies
@D-Droid @thatbrickster Nintendo is currently probably making more money than playstation and xbox combined currently, even franchises like fire emblem are breaking the 1m copies sold

@coolboymew @D-Droid @thatbrickster Sony and MS lose money on console sales and have to claw it back with stuff like subscriptions and software sales. I don't think Nintendo actually loses any money on the Switch hardware, could be wrong about that though.

@beardalaxy @D-Droid @thatbrickster I think they don't, they haven't lost money on hardware for a while

But their software is selling a crapload, they're making loads of software AND of various development tiers. They're making mad money on everything

I think it's because Nintendo isn't just making a shitty budget PC. Shitty business practices aside they try to at least make something people want to use.

@Goalkeeper @beardalaxy @D-Droid @thatbrickster they succeeded hard this time because I'm not going back to a stationary console
@coolboymew @beardalaxy @Goalkeeper @D-Droid @thatbrickster Also in the "you will be happy" wagecage society, it's easier to play a Switch when you're on your break at a wage cage than to only be able to play your Xbox for a few hours at home and nearly ready to pass out.

I saw a White Castle wagie playing Fortnite and 2K on his Switch. The Steam Deck being portable and Sony's rumor of a portable PS5 are pointing in this direction too.
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