which one would you rather be stuck in a room with: a psychopath, a rapist, or an inclusive commie normie

@ninja8tyu yeah i dislike vaush because he's retarded but i honestly get more triggered at people calling loli "cartoon cp"

@beardalaxy you stop getting pissed when you realize most of the human population function as drone workers and aren't good for anything else

incapable of thought, imagination, conditional hypotheticals, recursive thinking, critical analysis...

they're not worth the time; you gotta aim for the clever goblin-demons who gave them the right to vote and have a say, as drones follow a leader, be it for the good of everyone, or for the bad

@ninja8tyu oh I know that all too well, I work retail lol. Someone broke a glass candle today, didn't tell anyone about it, and put it in the candy bin that children stick their hands into. Just because they're too fucking lazy and probably don't speak any English so they figure they won't even try to communicate.

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