there are children in hollywood and pageants and even fucking schools in america right now that are being abused and exploited. loli should be the last thing anybody gives a fuck about. the institutions and congregations these people support and condone are full of horrendously evil people.
little joey's teacher is convincing him he's a girl behind his parents' backs because she saw him do some "girly" stuff. gaylord the 3rd is over here pimping out the children of soulless parents living vicariously through their offspring. these children are going to go through extreme mental trauma and drug abuse potentially leading to their deaths, or just straight up offing themselves, because of this. it's been something that happens to these kinds of people for years and years but we keep supporting the same exact systems that put them in these positions.
but no, loli is the problem here for sure. the fucking cartoons.
i can't fucking stand people like this man. if you're going to be a moral crusader about this kind of thing then at least be fucking consistent about it and put your money where your mouth is.
very depressing and horrible crimes actually