What's that? You haven't heard the song The End by Blue October? You owe it to yourself to give it a listen. Just, maybe have headphones on for this one. It's a little..... dark.

@beardalaxy@gameliberty.club never heard of them before but i love this. what's your fave album? i've got a long drive tomorrow to listen to something new on

@rosey ohhhhhhh duuuuuude okay. one of my favorite bands of all time.

my favorite album changes depending on the mood i'm in. let me do a small write up for ya lol... might take a bit but i'll try to be as succinct as i can xD


@rosey oh trust me it's not a trouble at all. i love introducing people to things i really enjoy! and i could talk about each song for probably the length of that post i just sent if i really wanted to xD

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