@MK2boogaloo @histoire why is macOS for people who fear technology? It's literally Unixoid and they tech Unix at universities for computer science and similar.

@MK2boogaloo @histoire but I didn't mean it like that. As a tech mfer you either know Windows or Unix. And macOS is the winner of the Unixoid systems. Not Linux or bsd or whatever. Plus a lot of shit just doesn't work on Linux. So if your tech job requires some tools that only work on mac. There you go.

@MK2boogaloo @histoire plus the apple silicon chips are actually insane. Kinda sucks you can't do a hackintosh anymore. But I love that someone finally doesn't just use the bog standard Intel chips now. I hope the 90s with all the different architectures makes a return.. Kindof.. I dislike every single thing being x86

@MK2boogaloo @histoire yes real life usage. Mac has software dev and like music or video production tools. You show me how to run Final Cut Pro X on Ubuntu. I don't use that but it's an example.

@silas @histoire we have alternatives that ran quite good here. I don't know about music or video production but there should be plenty.
@MK2boogaloo @silas

I find it interesting that music and video production are *always* the examples

I know dozens of people that work with computers, and exactly one does video editing
@histoire @silas oh yeah I forgot to point that out, just how many people exactly do that? Even in this niche part of the internet, I know only one guy doing that and he's @beardalaxy on irl it's like 3 at most? Other people only use the internet, looking through their pictures, watching movies, video games, and writing a document. Which all can be done within a single installation of Linux.

@MK2boogaloo @silas @histoire I will say that logic pro on mac is probably the best DAW (digital audio workstation) and I really wish I could use it on windows. That's the only thing it has going for it. Thankfully there are at least pretty good alternatives on windows.

As far as video editing goes I've tried a lot of different ones and the only one that actually does what I need it to is Corel lol. Not sure if it has a Mac version.

One of my roommates edits gaming videos from time to time, but I think he just uses some software that's included in overwolf or whatever. It's extremely simple. He makes anime edits on his phone too, somehow.

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