> paralives delayed again to 2025
eh. this can exit my wishlist :neocat_yeet:

i'm pretty much of the belief this game is never coming out.

@icedquinn I think there is a good chance it doesn't come out. Or when it does, it'll really not be anywhere near as good as anyone wants it to be. They seem to mainly have a focus on making random items and animations for characters and I can imagine it all resulting in there being a lot of stuff but not a whole lot to actually do. It'll be even more of a doll house simulator than the sims is. I mean, hopefully that's not the case, but I'm not getting my hopes up.

@beardalaxy they were being overfunded CIG style through Patreon, hired a ton of people, and just sort of kept coasting on that. it didn't look like they had any impetus at all to get to the gameplay.

last i saw they were getting kind of upset and looked like they were starting to make cuts left and right.

meanwhile inzoi and lby are actually going to come out :blobcatdunno:
@beardalaxy in the indie h-game sector this same problem comes up to. when you're getting paid patreon bucks there isn't really a push to make a coherent final product. you're sort of just trend chasing to entertain the paypigs.
@icedquinn @beardalaxy CIG is not a game dev company but a space sim research firm
this is what i believe now.
@icedquinn @beardalaxy it explains why they are always asking for money and never realeasing shit
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