Was reminded that I shouldn't drive today xD had a seizure and didn't see something in the road until the last second, swerved and had a bit of a tumble xD I'm all good though, just some scuffs. If I were in a car though, the damage would be a little bit worse probably lol

@icedquinn i know they happen more often when i'm stressed (physically/emotionally/mentally) and most often in the morning. so i can't take showers in the morning, have to at night or at least a couple hours after i wake up and get food in me.

haven't had a grand mal in almost 10 years, because i know how to take care of it. can't really take care of the absence seizures though, can only really work around them and try to lessen their impact.

but i can't get a license with absence seizures, which makes sense lol. but it does suck a bit to see other people with epilepsy who can still drive because they know the exact cause. my roommate's girlfriend has nocturnal epilepsy so she's actually cleared to drive. apparently, the cause is unknown in about half of all people with epilepsy. balls.

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