@graf i've got a little coin/bill collection, probably not worth much but they're cool to look at. someone gave me a bill from some middle eastern country once, it's worth like a tenth of a penny here.

@beardalaxy so do i friend, ive got some old canadian and us bills, oddities etc
@graf @beardalaxy I've started snagging old silver slug quarters whenever I see them. I have a whole three so far! I like them becaue they sound different than a regular quarter when you drop them.

@WhiteApe @graf someone paid me in euros once, i ended up giving that to a friend for his birthday since he was traveling to rome. it was a 10 euro note iirc.

looked up the bill again, it's a bahraini dinar and it's actually worth $2.35 USD atm.

i've got coins from germany and canada as well, including a 1962 canadian penny. and then there's a 2 shekel israeli coin lol.

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