
If you're an adult with limited time and just want to beat games, playing on the easiest difficulty or even using cheats and mods to help you beat them is totally fine. I wouldn't just jump to it by default, give it a real try first, but sometimes you just don't have time for it, especially with just how many games are out there if you want to play more of them.

@beardalaxy I used to play everything on the hardest difficulty, but honestly, the difficulty setting just makes everything more tedious instead of "harder". So now I just play on the easiest and enjoy myself. And mod tons of QoL stuff in games whenever I can (no, I really don't want to rest after combat thank you very much. I don't care about the game balance, I am here to have fun).

@susie i was just thinking about this because i was hearing about how a custom runescape client has a plugin that helps you solve a slider puzzle. yeah, for the first few times, solving it is fun, but after that it really does just become tedium.

i gave myself infinite ammo playing sunset overdrive because the game was sort of dragging on for me and i'm not a fan of "protect the stronghold!" kind of segments in games, so for those moments having infinite ammo to just obliterate stuff was nice and it made me enjoy the game more.

i think that's the key. if there's something you don't enjoy about a game but still like the rest of it, if there is a way to fix it then go ahead.

for the system shock remake, i downloaded a mod that disables enemy respawning. the game is heavy on backtracking and clearing floors to unlock everything and having these enemies constantly respawning with no way to get extra ammo to deal with them was getting really annoying. and there's no way of stealthing around enemies either... you sort of can, but in most cases they end up hunting you down and their AI is pretty relentless.

when i play kingdom hearts chain of memories, i'm probably going to see if there is a mod/cheat that gives better cards more frequently or something because i hate playing with the cards but i still want to play through the game.

stuff like that. i wouldn't say "oh just use infinite health and use a mod to one shot enemies for elden ring" because that doesn't really make the game FUN it just lets you blow through it. maybe something like a double XP mod so you don't have to grind levels out if you don't have time for it. or, what i've been looking at, a moveset mod that gives you better and faster movement options akin to a devil may cry game.

there's a line between fun and cheap and you have to find that line yourself i guess is what i'm trying to say.

@susie if i like a game a lot though, i will play harder difficulty modes or content to get more out of it and challenge myself. doesn't usually happen, but for devil may cry for instance i'll usually play harder difficulties.

@beardalaxy tbh if you just want to catch the story you’re almost better off watching someone else play

@sapphire yeah i do that for some games too, or watch story recaps and the like. but if it's a game where i still actually want to play it but there's one thing that irks me i'd like to get rid of, i'd rather opt for that.

if a game goes out of its way to waste my time by forcing me to do tedious bullshit like grinding it is my divine right to hack my exp or whatever to bypass killing 1,000,000 goblin bandits before I'm allowed to fight the final boss
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