system shock criticisms/fixes 

i've had the system shock remake in my steam library for a year and i haven't finished the game so i'm trying to get it out of the way so i can move on to new stuff. i've had to use a walkthrough a couple of times because it's been a while since i played and the game relies heavily on remembering some details.

also, while cyberspace is a novel idea, it isn't very well designed in practice and doesn't gel well with the rest of the game. probably was a lot cooler for the 90s than it is now. it's unnecessarily difficult in some spots and it can be a pain when you get to the ending of a 15-20 minute section and die to a barrage of mines you have to slow down to avoid (which is never mentioned as a thing you can even do) then have to restart the whole thing again. so i got a mod to just give me more health and make my bullets faster.

then there is the inventory management, which wouldn't be too much of an issue if that weapons didn't take up so much space. i think it'd be better if you got flat-out better weapons than the ones you already have that use the same type of ammo. that only happens once. some guns have multiple types of ammo too, but it is usually pretty limited, so if you want to use anything other than a pistol with standard rounds (which are plentiful) you have to have multiple weapons and multiple ammo types for those weapons. it takes up a lot of inventory space, even after you get the upgrade. i understand the idea behind having limited space in your inventory but i don't think it is balanced very well. i get to the point where i'm needing to mark weapon locations and backtrack to grab them when i run out of ammo for another weapon, swap them out, run back again when i'm out, etc. it just wasn't helping the gameplay experience at all, which is already full of wandering around large maps trying to find that one door you passed or the one code you didn't write down.

so i got a mod to make everything only take up 1 inventory space instead and it has cut out a lot of that frustration and just overall tedium. i'd rather have my gameplay experience actually always pressing forward, not having to go back just to swap a bunch of stuff around and constantly dropping stuff to scrap some things and then pick it all up again.

re: system shock criticisms/fixes 

@beardalaxy better than playing the pc98 port with earrape music

re: system shock criticisms/fixes 

@PurpCat i tried playing the enhanced version of the original years ago and could not wrap my head around it at all lol. the story/setting was really intriguing to me so i'm glad this remake exists.

re: system shock criticisms/fixes 

@beardalaxy yeah the thing with the original is how excessively clunky it aged compared to many games that people say aged badly.

Though some things like the inventory system got reused in Deus Ex as an example, which was made by many of the same developers.

re: system shock criticisms/fixes 

@PurpCat yeah i can totally see how/why it was groundbreaking, but i couldn't even figure out how to move xD

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