
oh man fuck this part of system shock in particular. 

i found a bunch of explosives in a room, the description said they were basically c4, or something along those lines. i'm like, AWESOME, i'm going to take all of it and even make room in my inventory!

well, then i found out a little while later that they aren't actually usable. so i figured that, just like a lot of other items in the game, they must be just junk or something. so i just dropped them somewhere when i wanted to pick up something else.

i progress another like 8 hours and guess what? i need them to progress the main story. now they're nowhere to be found, dropped somewhere, who the hell knows where.

i know the game is much more old school in its design sensibilities but, come on now... shit like this needs a dedicated inventory for quest items that are going to be important later. now i might actually have to see if there is a mod to access the dev console to give me the explosives i need or something. trying to imagine playing this on console sounds like cbt.

oh man fuck this part of system shock in particular. 

yeah, looks like if i don't want to run around looking for shit for who knows how long i'm going to have to use cheat engine. might have just ruined the game for me tbh.

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