
Do you have a large game backlog? Try this neat trick! 

You'll first need a list of all the games in your backlog that you are even mildly interested in playing.

Next, assign a value from 1-10 based on how much you'd like to play them.

Next, you'll need to find the Metacritic score and the average playtime of the game, which you can find on the website "HowLong"

Divide the Metacritic score by the length of the game. This will give you a "quality per hour" value.

Then, you'll take the "quality per hour" value and multiply it by how much you would like to play it.

You'll end up with a list of games sorted by value for your time spent on them. For the most part, the shorter games will be at the top, and it'll help you really knock a lot of games off of your backlog.

This doesn't have to be something you follow in order 100%, but it can be nice to give you more information when deciding what to play next!

For an example, here's my current spreadsheet! I recently played Touhou Scarlet Curiosity, though I haven't beaten the post-game yet so it's still on there. I'm currently playing through Touhou Luna Nights. Kingdom Hearts isn't on this list because I'm waiting for a mod to get Steam compatibility. Looking at this list, I'll probably play "A Bird Story" and "Finding Paradise" next, since they are in the same series and are pretty short. I'm thinking about playing Ni No Kuni too, because even though it is the longest game on this list I still have ranked it as a 10 on how much I'd like to play it.

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