gen 3 was the best gen ever man. maybe it's true that whatever the first gen you played will always be your favorite, but idk it was at a time where gaming was still so magical and the tech was there to actually realize a lot of the vision that those old devs had.

and the music, man... the music... every time i listen to it i'm whisked back to being a kid again. playing on my gba. lying under the dining room table trying to translate braille. i lost my gba and emerald for a couple of years and assumed it was missing but when we moved i found it inside of the couch. cried my eyes out.

that's one of the only relics from my childhood i still have, the gba and that copy of emerald. unfortunately the battery died so i can't save the game anymore and i lost my old save, but the memories are still there. i wanna go back :meru_sad:

@beardalaxy I was never into portables.

But the NES/SNES/Genesis/and even PSX/Saturn/Dreamcast era was special

@BlinkRape i'm not really into them much now, i have a ps vita but don't use it nearly as often. pretty much only when i'm staying the night somewhere. but as a kid, it was a good time. tons of people around my age have pretty fond memories of trying to play gb/gbc games at night in the car whenever they went under a street light because that's the only way you could see it xD

@beardalaxy The only real mileage I put on a gameboy was one christmas when we rented a car and visited family in another state.
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