
so let me get this straight...
charlie thinks that a child, someone who hasn't gone through puberty yet, can talk to their parents about transitioning and begin to transition.

but, someone who has gone through puberty and is "physically mature" as sneako puts it, cannot get married even with adult approval?

do all of the same things not apply to the former situation that they do to the latter? it's not just about the physical state of someone. it is about their mental state. someone that young cannot possibly fully grasp what they are going to do. even given all of the information in the world. it's why we have consent laws in the first place. hell, some adults can't even figure it out but we obviously have to draw the line SOMEWHERE just like we do with consent laws.

it's just ridiculous to me to think that there are people out there who actually have this opinion, and it makes me question what they actually think about the age of consent as a concept. do they realize why it is in place? or is it just something they have been told to be the fact so they just parrot it? because i don't understand why someone could believe that children transitioning and young teenagers being able to marry are completely unrelated to each other.

i'm someone who is extremely invested in protecting children and i have yet to hear an argument for why it's okay that they can start transitioning very early on other than "it's rare that they will regret it" or "it makes their transitioning better." it gives me the creeps, to be honest. grooming victims also think that when the adult is caught, it is their fault, and they feel guilty, or they think that nothing wrong truly happened. we even saw this as recently as with that lava individual. why do so many people see this as being abhorrent, pretty much one of the most evil things you can possibly do, but letting a child decide their fate before they are even like 10 years old in terms of their gender identity is okay? it's not okay. it can be incredibly damaging. and i believe that we are going to see so many of these children grow up with such contempt in their hearts for the people that let this happen to them.

i hate that bringing up your worry about this will have people immediately thinking you're transphobic. that also worries me a lot. we can't talk about real issues affecting children without being labeled as, essentially, "on the wrong side of history." and it actually hurts my heart, man, these kids are going to be so fucked.

and this is coming from someone who gets demonized over loli. people will, in the same breath, say that loli is some horrendous thing and Japanese people are horrible for keeping it around, while also saying "yes children can transition, that's totally fine!" It really shows where the priorities lie and it just sucks, i really want kids to be happy and healthy and grow up normally and not have any adults with a severe lack of morals guiding them down the wrong path. genuinely, i really do, and it really does hurt to see people who don't think the same way.


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