silent hill ascension is the perfect example of why crowdsourcing storytelling is a horrible idea

@beardalaxy isn’t that the game that the “it’s trauma” sticker came from? Literally, if it’s the game, I think it is, that’s all I remember!

Coming from playing SH 1-3 (UGH MUH HEART) it pains me to see stuff like this happening. I know you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take…but this? This was a clear miss.


@DreamSketcher yeah it's like an interactive movie, kind of like the dark pictures games, telltale games, or david cage games, except you don't have any direct control of the characters because it's all just choices that an audience votes on or i guess sometimes there are mini games that pop up and you need enough people to succeed for a character to stay alive, something along those lines. then they have the final video for each episode up afterward, so i've been watching those (through super eyepatch wolf).

but yes, it's where the whole "it's trauma!" thing is from. i'm about 3/4 through the story and not once has anything related to silent hill been mentioned. it may as well be a completely different IP that just takes inspiration from silent hill. a lot of people think it is just straight up written by an AI because the writing is borderline incoherent. you stack all the audience choices on top of that, and you have characters flip-flopping on their motivations like every other scene, scenes sort of just getting lost to the wayside, and lots of pointless filler. the animation is bad and the direction is bad so it makes the acting seem bad but it really isn't most of the time.

the appeal in watching it, at least for me, is just seeing how bad it can actually get. it's gone far beyond being just a bad silent hill, it's now in the "so bad it's good" territory lol. i knew it was going to be shit right when it was announced, and it's funny going back to when it was announced and seeing all of the people getting mad at me for saying it lol. honestly, the music is still somewhat decent and whoever was in charge of the camerawork did an incredible job, but yeah the story is just really bad. there are some underlying interesting ideas, but they aren't really executed on very well and it took until the second season for them to even be present in the story.

have you seen/played "the short message?" it was a free silent hill demo that came out this year. it was better than this if we're talking pure quality standards, and what actually constitutes a "game," but i'm enjoying ascension so much more because it's batshit insane whereas the short message was just really cringeworthy.

i'm not looking forward to sh2 remake. i don't have a ps5 so i'm going to have to watch other people play it, but i am still going to watch it just to see how bad it really is. i suspect it will actually be a relatively good game for people who are playing sh2 for the first time, but it's going to have those cringe content disclaimers, add in a bunch of unnecessary fluff, and it seems like they are focusing a lot more on the combat which i'm really not a fan of. it looks pretty generic at the moment. the original game has actually aged really well given that it has 2D controls as an option instead of tank ones, and i really don't think the remake is going to come close in any aspect except maybe just the raw texture quality.

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