
my d&d players have now not only completely broken the campaign in half by going past 3 barriers, all of which they got extremely lucky with passing, and getting extremely lucky with rolls to not die to the mages that descended afterwards...

they are theorizing about whether it is possible within the next couple of levels to go to a cursed, forgotten land that has a permanent storm around it. one of the characters is a storm sorcerer and thinks there is a chance that they could get everyone through this storm and by golly.... he's right.

thankfully i already have this place totally prepared, but it is for a party of 4 at 12th level, not a party of 4 at 7th level xD it's supposed to be the sequel campaign, not a part of this one xD i'm totally down with it if they want to go though, i think it would be extremely interesting and i'd get to explore more of the new stuff i've made in that world.

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