oooooh silent hill 2 remake IS coming to PC. i will be obtaining a copy and playing it, out of morbid curiosity.


@BlinkRape james? idk if there's anything to fix about him... hard to tell, his model has kind of been all over the place. angela is the one people have been complaining about, but yeah, anyone trying to "fix" her is going to be banned and that's going to start another shit show probably.

that is the LEAST of the game's worries though. if you wanted to mod it to make it better you'd be much better off just playing the original.

@beardalaxy who the fuck is james? I'm talking about the chick they turned into a fatty

@BlinkRape please tell me you aren't serious i'm too autistic for this shit xD

@beardalaxy I don't play Silent Hill, I just know that shit was in the news lately for making a pretty woman into a fat chubby bitch

@BlinkRape that's angela. she's not a playable character. you play as james, the only guy they have actually shown off for the remake so far (the other being eddie, who is a fat chubby bitch lmao).

you may have seen one of the exaggerated photos of her, it's not THAT bad, but they gave her a much more round face, thicker eyebrows, and a more square jaw. they followed her original concept design much more closely than the final design, same thing with another female character named maria. however, it was just a concept for a reason... what was in the final game was final, they had made their decisions. to change that in such a way that removes the original intended effect is to not produce a faithful remake.

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