@beardalaxy Nah. We lost the crusades, the real cause of that rule is because of the islamic dilemma.

Because Muhammad was an illiterate retard he had a logical error built into the Quran.
>Quran says that the Bible is true
>Quran requires that you proof the Quran with the Bible
>Quran claims it contains the same information as the bible
>Bible says all of that is bullshit

Chances are the person running the rule was tired of the wannabe jihadis shitting themselves in a rage or someone who knows of this issue and wants to carry water for islam

@SpurgAnon yeah i know we lost the crusades lol, that's why i put that in there to begin with. i'm pretty sure it's a bot but it was just fed stuff to make sure it doesn't spark controversy or whatever. i'm just memeing lol.

@SpurgAnon @beardalaxy islam if you actualy read the quran is mostly nothign religious spiritual or anythign itrs just how to act in daily life do this dont do that. basicaly almost the entire quran is just telling you wat not to do
@dick @beardalaxy it's just Mo justifying why he's a degenerate and retard
@SpurgAnon @beardalaxy "and he said dont eat pork". and islams are like wow this is so spiruitual.
@SpurgAnon @beardalaxy islam is the stupidest religion on earth next to christianity
@SpurgAnon @beardalaxy the followers are like true followers. they are stupid idiots who cannot think for themselves thats why they are followers
@dick @beardalaxy @SpurgAnon do keep in mind that wokism and feminism are basically religions.
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