i didn't like orcane in rivals 2 at first, but in this new beta i'm having a fun time with him. idk if anything changed patch notes wise, i'm sure it did, but his moveset just kinda clicked for me.

As someone who played a lot of Project M, would you say that the game is close to that mod?

@parmesan as someone who used to TO project M tournies, yes! The characters tend to be more unique in their movesets than 3.6 was (p+ has changed that a bit more for some characters). There are some things not in such as DACUS, but you have RAR so I'd say it's much closer to a PM feel than a Melee one. Wavedashing and dance dashing are in and all the shenanigans that come with it like waveshines. Shield drops are really easy to perform. There are 10 characters and they all feel pretty viable.


@parmesan other than mods of smash games, it's the best plat fighter I've played. For online play, nothing comes close since it has rollback.

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