is it just me or are lolicons becoming way more retarded lately? i blame the gooners. i remember back even 10 years ago lolicons were way more chill and nobody really cared.

Did you have examples? I have noticed more lolicons being open about it, but I also figured that was related to who I interact with on fedi and getting into BA

I don't need specific examples but something a little more specific than "more retarded". As I get older, a lot of things I'm in to feel more retarded pretty regularly. Mostly from getting flooded with new people who don't understand keeping shit to yourself.


@Beefki kind of hard to explain. gooners just being gooners mostly. and getting more depraved about it. letting fantasy slip further into reality and being proud about it. and a general vibe that more people are okay with that sort of thing even if they don't participate themselves.

but you're right, pretty much everything is getting more retarded lately. i was just complaining about star fox fans the other day. it's like everything i'm into eventually gets overrun with fags and nonces.

maybe this stuff has always been around and i've just been involved in them long enough to start seeing it. but it certainly feels worse than it used to be. i think as the internet grows, more people start hopping in these communities and people in them are so excited for new folks to come in that they don't really care how they act. it all just sort of festers until it implodes in on itself. no gatekeeping.

Ah, so actual pedophiles hiding in the lolicon crowd and stuff like that? I've certainly seen some people who are doing that but can't say it's been common, though other than BA I don't really interact with lolicon fans.

And yeah, a lot of niche fandoms don't gatekeep like they should and are too afraid to remove the tumor before it grows too big.

Autism begets greater autism, and we all know people won't improve themself unless forced to.

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