@icedquinn it takes place in a dystopian future. AKA one where kermit the frog never existed.

@perplestuff @icedquinn never forget better yet always remember
not a single penis plane hit tallywhacker 7 ever

@icedquinn @perplestuff @beardalaxy First forget the plane that exploded one side of the Pentagon and evaporated

@beardalaxy@gameliberty.club jfk caused fascism apparently, which prevented global islamic terrorism

@anemone i wish the devs were smart enough to do that on purpose

@beardalaxy@gameliberty.club its too bad the game looks terrible because i love crank alternate histories. the code geass one ruled (britain won the revolutionary war because ben franklin got mind controlled but then lost the british isles to napoleon)

@anemone it's so serious and schizo that it loops around to being unintentional satire. it's rare something like that pops up. it's fun to watch people roast it, but i'd never play it.

@beardalaxy@gameliberty.club the gameplay looks insufferably bad, would have been a joke even back in the ps1 era bad

@anemone i found out yesterday it's published by quantic dream which is hilarious

@beardalaxy@gameliberty.club i assume it was to prove to the world how liberal they are after getting in trouble for toxic work environment and sexual harassment

@beardalaxy@gameliberty.club also horrible narrative games are their bread and butter so this fits right in

@anemone i fully acknowledge that quantic dreams games are slop but i still kind of enjoy them a little lol

@beardalaxy@gameliberty.club they are (usually) enjoyably terrible which honestly from what ive seen this one might be as well if it weren't for the combat.

@anemone @beardalaxy based kennedy destroying the CIA and ending terrorism worldwide :blobcatgooglybadumtss:
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