@deVoid Vampire Savior? Yeah it's a banger. @bleedingphoenix come get your ass whooped.
fightcade since its free + rollback. Emulating arcade fgs is usually jank but vsav plays fine. I simply play dimitri and do 2lp 2lk 2mp 2hk pursuit occasionally but usually just fireball and dp like a boomer. I want to play jedah once I get used to the game.
@deVoid @Netoraremancer >he knows about pursuit attacks
you have a similar playstyle to me it seems. i alternate between Q-Bee and Felicia: simple low-medium-heavy strings with pursuits and occasional quarter-circle moves. it's pretty fun and i've beat arcade mode a few times.
Of course I know about pursuit I checked mizuumi and it told me I get really good strike/throw off dimitri forward throw since pursuit whiffs and framekills for throw loops.
@deVoid @Netoraremancer how's the online environment, pretty sweaty or chill? thanks to retroarch i've been honing my skills in solitude.
dunno I just play with my friend group. im not interested enough in the game to really grind it out and play the game properly. going to assume since its an old capcom game its going to be dominated by old ass dudes that have been playing fgs since before you were born.
@deVoid @Netoraremancer yeah i really dislike that, fortunately from what i've seen it's decent:
fighting games are only really fun when it's solo or with friends, the competitive scene can suck it.
@deVoid @Netoraremancer my irl circle is big on competitive Smash Bros Ultimate so i'm weary of it. too many fighters have died a premature death because they didn't go make prize money at EVO.
smash bros isnt a real fighting game and fighting games dont actually die as long as there is good netcode and at least 1 person to play with

@deVoid @Netoraremancer @bleedingphoenix fighting game with good net code? Try rivals of aether 2. It's free for the rest of the week on steam and it's hella fun

@LittleTom @deVoid @Netoraremancer @bleedingphoenix i love watching melee but i hate playing it, feels so stiff. i'm a PM guy so rivals 2 feels amazing.

@beardalaxy @deVoid @Netoraremancer @bleedingphoenix Yeah Melee's skill floor is painfully high. One reason I think PM is cooler. on that note, the guys working on the current big PM mod, REX, seem to have been strongly implying that rollback is coming...at least that's what copers in the community think.

@LittleTom @deVoid @Netoraremancer @bleedingphoenix yeah so some guys have been working on something called brawlback for a while, and it'd work for PM too. as i understand it, once it works for brawl it'll still need some tweaks for PM since PM does some wacky stuff with the engine, but it'll be there.

actually i think one of the guys working on brawlback was an HDR dev (which is basically the smash ultimate version of PM).

but once PM gets rollback i'm gonna be on that shit all the time. it just plays soooo much smoother than melee. skill expression and skill ceiling are much higher too.

@beardalaxy @deVoid @Netoraremancer @bleedingphoenix Okay I'm glad that brawlback is a real thing and not just something I had imagined. That shit is gonna rock my world so hard.

@LittleTom @deVoid @Netoraremancer @bleedingphoenix honestly i don't know how people stand playing dolphin netplay or smash ultimate online, shit feels like ass

@beardalaxy @deVoid @Netoraremancer @bleedingphoenix Yeah it's awful, just a theoretical (or local locked) game until rollback is added.

@LittleTom @deVoid @Netoraremancer @bleedingphoenix i ran a pretty good local scene in my region for several years but all the people who were interested eventually moved on to other stuff. so it'd be good to finally be able to play with peeps again. i was running 20+ person charity tourneys at one point, was pretty fun.

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