@PurpCat i know alice is fondly remembered and its 99c so why not.

i've heard prey is like a mash up of half life 1 and system shock and i like both of those so i think it'll be good. it's a bit long for my tastes so hopefully it hooks me well enough.

i also ended up getting nfs heat and severed steel. severed steel was the one i was most sold on, it looks fucking awesome. and then nfs heat is the deluxe edition at the cheapest it has ever been and i'm a sucker for a good nfs game so i'll get that too.

hopefully the winter sale has some good deals on the other ones! scarlet maiden actually looks really fun, i see a lot of people saying it's a lot like rogue legacy but with booba and rogue legacy is one of my favorite games of all time.

@beardalaxy @PurpCat If you like shooters like those have you tried the Metro games? 2033 Redux is $2 right now

@beardalaxy @PurpCat Actually, I have you on Steam so why did I ask. You own 2033 and LL Redux but have not played them. Play them!


@frost @PurpCat so I owned 2033 on ps4 right when redux came out too. I played for about 4 hours I think, and then got permanently soft locked because I tried to go a route the game didn't expect lol. Haven't tried playing since. I think they're cool though, I want to get back to it one day.

@beardalaxy @PurpCat I got into it because Russiaphile, played 2033 Redux 3x for different modes and endings, played LL Redux once, then started playing Exodus but got fucked over by the fact that I played it drunk at some point so now I am missing a big chunk of the story >.<

@frost @PurpCat would you recommend playing them in the action or survival mode?

@beardalaxy @PurpCat I first played it in Survival and then Spartan. I feel like this is saner. I know you like survival horror so this probably applies extra to you

@frost @PurpCat i like survival but i do like me some action too. i just don't think metro is actiony enough to warrant it, if that makes sense.

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