@mischievoustomato @Yakotarun

average r/nofap poster: I broke my dick by jacking off thirty times a day and that's why you should delete all your hentai and stop watching ecchi shows

@Kyonko802 @mischievoustomato @Yakotarun i got gaslit into thinking i was addicted and it fucked me up a bit

@beardalaxy @mischievoustomato @Yakotarun The porn industry is corrupt and broken as fuck. I went cold turkey on live action a while back when I found out PH was doing absolutely nothing about the people that submitted cp to the website.

Like food, eroticism is a basic human function that has been pressed and produced in a way that directly hurts us.

At the same time completely shunting that part of yourself is not mentally healthy. It will break you and make you paranoid. "Oh my god, I just saw cleavage. I might relapse."

@Kyonko802 @beardalaxy @Yakotarun when i consoom porn, as in, real people, i like that i naturally prefer amateur/solo/couple stuff. Much healthy


@mischievoustomato @Kyonko802 @Yakotarun same here. The big studios and that whole industry are fucked up. 99% of what I look at are 2d girls though. PKL is just what made me start questioning some shit, like if they were gaslighting people about it was I also being gaslit?

I eventually figured out that I wasn't addicted, I just enjoyed it. That put me in a much healthier state of mind. I'm pretty sure that if you can go 2 weeks without even thinking about it you're not addicted lmao. I remember, there was one year not long ago where I succeeded NNN completely on accident xD just had other shit I wanted to do I guess.

When you grow up and aren't shackled to a cult and find out that LITERALLY EVERYONE jacks it from time to time, idk, mental state is a lot better.

@beardalaxy @mischievoustomato @Yakotarun Sometimes I just don't have time :shrug:

The people that are addicted do it chronically. I've seen people lose jobs over that shit. It's a mental issue.

@Kyonko802 @mischievoustomato @Yakotarun I've never seen people addicted to porn personally, but I have seen people get addicted to video games and it's definitely not good. There's a clear difference between addiction and enjoyment. Guy in the YT video there was certainly addicted and I hope he's better now, but yeah a lot of people like that become kind of evangelical about it and develop a moral superiority complex.

The difference between an addiction and enjoyment is generally in if it is detrimental to your daily life

Some people definitely are addicted to porn. They feel compelled to consume it at work for example, not even to masturbate to it but just to watch it. Others can't get their body excited without porn when with a real partner.

Porn addiction is real, but it's not THAT common.
@Kyonko802 @mischievoustomato @Yakotarun

@Beefki @Kyonko802 @mischievoustomato @Yakotarun that's the thing, it wasn't a detriment to my life. The guilt and the repression while nothing was done to combat them were, though :P

@Kyonko802 @beardalaxy @Yakotarun @mischievoustomato
i try to have empathy for people so crippled by addiction
they make it hard when they endlessly tell me how to live my life just because they cant avoid engaging in a behavior less than 14 morbillion times a day :senko_sigh:
nofappers, stopgaming, etc :tamamo_bonk:

@Kyonko802 @beardalaxy @Yakotarun This is probably admitting an L but I'd not be able to do it a lot. Like, at max 3 times a day if I'm super horny but that has never happened. I've only done it twice a day like... less than 10 times since I started, lol.

@mischievoustomato @Kyonko802 @Yakotarun yeah man that's what i'm saying, the second time hurts lol. i've never gone 3 times in one day out of fear.

@beardalaxy @Kyonko802 @Yakotarun > PKL

> I eventually figured out that I wasn't addicted, I just enjoyed it. That put me in a much healthier state of mind. I'm pretty sure that if you can go 2 weeks without even thinking about it you're not addicted lmao. I remember, there was one year not long ago where I succeeded NNN completely on accident xD just had other shit I wanted to do I guess.

Yeah, I know I'm not addicted because I don't depend on it constantly. I do it when I want to, and it's not often. The thing I take into account too is that, if I had a gf that was in tune with how horny i am, we'd just be fucking at the same rate, so... yeah.

@mischievoustomato @Kyonko802 @Yakotarun i'd probably still look at the art and stuff if i had a gf to get down and dirty with, but it would be solely for enjoyment of the art instead of the eroticism if that makes sense. because most of the reason i look at the art in the first place is just because i think it's cool.

pkl = porn kills love

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