I need a dating app that caters to men that exclusively prefer DFC

I think there is a legit niche to be filled there, unironically
@themilkman @Kagekokoro >varish
It's short for "delicious flat chest". Mostly refers to loli.
@Kagekokoro @themilkman Anon asked the scholar, "what is better, flat chests or big chests?"
The scholar replied, "suppose you have $50 in coins, and $50 in notes, which would have the greater mass?"
"Why, the coins of course"
"But which," continued the scholar, "would have the greater value?"
Anon was enlightened.
@Zergling_man @beardalaxy @themilkman the white man cares for the heart, thus seeking to reduce the path to it
Making smaller chests objectively better

Big chest niggas are that, niggers
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