@GrungeQueef Five days of an autistic shit-fit. Incredible.
@Holohoots Maybe Elon's gone gay and can't get enough of the taste of Vivek's curry shits. Would be funny if Trump fucked Laura Loomer and Elon messing with her is the last straw for him. 🤣
@GrungeQueef @Holohoots From the dawn of torrents until maybe 4yrs ago I just had a laptop with every episode of KoTH, South Park, American Dad, and Family Guy in a single VLC playlist that I left on shuffle every single night for about 13yrs.

Every time I got sad I would just put the 13 seasons of KoTH on shuffle.
@beardalaxy @GrungeQueef @Holohoots Hands down #1 Slice of Life anime ever made. I will die on that hill.
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