@mischievoustomato I've always known Intel to be more stable, in a broad sense. When it comes to GPUs it isn't even close... I'm always hearing about dumb shit with AMD cards. A lot of people jump to blame developers, but then you realize that AMD just never updated their drivers for a game or their implementation of something that NVIDIA has had as a standard for 15 years is just scuffed somehow.
But they're cheaper, I guess.
@PurpCat @mischievoustomato idk shit about Intel GPUs
@PurpCat @beardalaxy to you maybe, I'd consider getting a laptop with a dedicated intel gpu because my experience with intel igpus has been stellar.
@PurpCat @beardalaxy i wouldn't because i live in this reality haha
@PurpCat @mischievoustomato I will say, I had to do a stupid amount of tinkering to get rogue legacy 2 to work on my laptop with an Intel igpu. It was a new game at the time running on a gen 8 processor so it wasn't a perfect setup to begin with, but even after I got it working it only ran at like 15 fps lol. Still got a god run somehow.
@adachi @PurpCat @beardalaxy aside of the webpage stuff, all seems fine
@adachi @PurpCat @beardalaxy that too, i suppose, didn't read those parts, just skimmed. Although the "how you use your computer" can probably be justified, but its lunch time and i dont care enough
@PurpCat @beardalaxy i just read that Steam doesn't support Intel gpus yet. Not surprised, they are very new.
@beardalaxy Intel does software well. Hell, the vulkan driver for amd gpus is based on the intel vulkan driver. It's that good. Intel does have issues too but I don't see stuff go this long without being resolved. Hell, I reported issues and the things were fixed in at worst, a month.
There's some issues with intel gpus "hanging" (in reality some gpu operation took a little too long so the driver makes the driver reset) and resetting (and thus games being unplayable but the system at least keeps going) but that's something that I don't see happen anymore! It's not happened to me anymore! (used to happen on genshin when playing on wayland... not anymore, as I've played genshin for 5 hours yesterday).